Fun fact: I ride my bike to stay adventurous and to kick start my creative inspirations/thoughts
Coral Pisek concept logo
Title logo with particles
I am passionate about traveling and exploring new horizons; I have been to over 30 countries and plan on going to many more
Every birthday - for the past nine years - I have done daring stunts and went on crazy adventures
"Do what makes you feel alive."
Hanukkah-inspired pattern work
Hanukkah-inspired pattern work
Hanukkah-inspired pattern work
Hanukkah-inspired pattern work
Other Designs:

AI-generated - I like to be tech-savvy.

Lessons I learned during my Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) Boot Camp
Lessons I learned during my Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) Boot Camp
Played around with digital painting on Photoshop
Played around with digital painting on Photoshop
- June, 2017
- June, 2017

Lower third graphic of name and title

Celebrity intro

"The world changes when we change our perspective."
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